Backing removal of a 19th c. Thai Buddhist painting on cotton fabric

Backing removal of a 19th c. Thai Buddhist painting on cotton fabric

  • Examination, testing, and analysis of objects for repair
  • Treatment proposals and estimates
  •  Identification of media, paper manufacture, and printmaking techniques
  • On-site consultation and examination available
  • Archival hinging and matting
  •  Construction of archival housings for storage and display
  •  Coordination of professional packing and insured shipping
  • Care and maintenance recommendations
  • Training for museum, gallery staff, and private collectors in basic examination techniques, safe art handling procedures, and collections care
  • Educational lectures  on a variety of conservation topics



Kala Conservation specializes in the conservation of art on paper, which includes all media (prints, drawings, watercolors, manuscripts) on a paper support.  Additionally, Jennifer Parson has experience working on a variety of art from all regions of Asia, including screens, scrolls, and woodblock prints from Japan, Chinese scrolls and paintings, Indian and Persian miniatures, Indian palm leaf manuscripts, Tibetan thangkas, and more.  She has specialized knowledge in the materials unique to these regions and their conservation and preservation. 

According to the American Institute for Conservation, “Conservation involves examination, scientific analysis, and research to determine original structure, materials, and extent of loss. Conservation also encompasses structural and environmental treatment to retard future deterioration.”

Conservation treatment aims to improve the chemical and physical stability of an object. For art on paper, this can include repair to tears, reduction of acidity and discoloration, mitigation of staining, securing of fragile media, flattening of creases and other distortions, and lining to give a fragile object overall support.  Although not the primary focus of conservation, conservation treatments will often enhance the aesthetic appearance of an object.  All conservation treatment undertaken by Kala Conservation abides by the American Institute for Conservation's Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice.